Playa de Carmen public bus

Taking the bus is a highly economical option as buses ply the route in and out Playa del Carmen. You have the option to either travel first (or express) class pr second class, depending on your budget and your preferred level of comfort.

The major bus lines include ADO, Omnibus de Mexico and Primera Plus. These service the route from Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Chetumal, Campeche, and Merida.

Types of buses in Playa del Carmen

1. Luxury Buses (Clase Lujo)
These offer refreshments air-conditioning, more leg-room and even a stewardess! It also has TV, baggage check and reserved seats.

2. First Class Buses (Primera Clase)
Amenities for first class include: baggage check, toilets, TV and reserved seats. This is usually faster as it has fewer stops.

3. Plus Class (Plus Clase)
Similar amenities to First Class Buses.

4. Second and Third Class
Second class buses have usually the same amenities, however, second class buses service more stops and thus take more time. They also stop when flagged down.

Third class buses are usually vehicles from Europe or old school buses.

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